Big Lake Youth Camp to Ashland, OR


Day 39 Mile 658 - 678.3

Three days and 88 miles. Waking up at Big Lake to all of my gear being soaked made me a sloth at getting up. It didn't rain but the condensation was almighty. I spent too much time in the hiker hut editing photos and letting my tent "dry" before I started walking at 9.

I regretted staying in because it was a hot sunny day through 6 miles of lava fields. The lava fields were an interesting and alien landscape but they were tough on the feet and completely exposed. There were islands where older earth had lava flow around it and now were the only spots in the landscape with green. I was off today. Really off. I didn't want to hike. I wasn't tired, too hot, or injured. Just wasnt feeling it. Only made it a shameful 20 miles.


The trail entered the Three Sisters Wilderness and, while it is pretty, I wasnt blown away. At last there was a nice sunset and the terrain for tomorrow looks good for a big day.

Day 40 Mile 678.3 - 718.8


As a sort of punishment for that short day and losing my phone, I set out to do 40 miles the next day. Up at 5:30 and walking soon after. The terrain was easy today, even luxurious. The trail was even lined with obsidian for a few miles. I walked without my poles for most of the day and realized the pain in my shoulder subsides when not using the poles. So many lakes and with those lakes, mosquitoes. Not the biblical amounts that were in Washington but they were many and aggressive. Walking for that amount of time did not spark joy and I won't be doing that again.


Day 41 Mile 718.8 - 746.5

My feet hurt a little today but what did I expect? Only 28 miles to Shelter Cove Resort. I was supposed to be on a mission but I still ended up taking 15 portraits today. By 5:30 PM, I had boogied my way into the resort and ordered a huge burger with egg and bacon. My eyes are a lot bigger than my stomach. I can't seem to eat as much in one sitting as I used to.the porch of the store is the only place with Wifi and is where every hiker congregates. I'm realizing how obnoxious and oblivious groups of drunk hikers can be. The store closed before I could get quarters for a shower and laundry so I guess that'll wait until Crater Lake.


Day 42 Mile 746.5 - 762.6

Woke up excited for a big breakfast and was thoroughly saddened to hear they weren't serving breakfast due to being short staffed. I had to settle for a couple of danishes from Costco.

Wanting any excuse to stay, I did laundry and took a shower before sorting out my resupply. I still have two days of food and my box has three more. Way too much for a 90 mile section. I'm also finding that I'm not that hungry and putting food down is a chore.

Looking ahead, there is a campsite just before the rim walk of Crater Lake in 67 miles so I'll try to be there at the end of the third day so I can walk the rim at sunrise.

Didn't feel like walking today. The blister on the ball of my foot is still strong under the thick callus. I've tried to pop it tonight but I'm afraid of sharp objects and its deep. The blister on the side of my heel that I drained has another blister inside of it. I'll spare you the gross details and just say I drained that one, too.

Made it 16 miles to summit lake were a bunch of people are car camping. I'm by the pit toilet but I can't smell it in my tent.

Lastly, I was hoping my shorts would make it to Ashland but that looks to be a pipe dream. I'm hoping my mom can expedite some new shorts to Crater Lake. If I didn't have underwear this would be immodest.


Day 43 Mile 762.6 - 791.3

The lake had a lot of mist coming off of it in the morning. Going further along the coast, I wish I had pushed on a little more last night. Some of the sites have a great view of Diamond Peak.

Today is the first of the longer water Carrys. The Carrys would be a lot longer if it weren't for the three wanted caches between Summit Lake and Crater Lake. The first cache was at Windigo Pass, a dirt road that crosses the trail. This is the last water for 20 miles unless you go a bit off trail. There were over 100 gallons clumped up together in the sun as well as assorted supplies for those in need. I had lunch here but was under constant attack from the hoard of yellowjackets looking for water and chipmunks trying to grab any unattended or attended food. Little terrorists.

I had signal for most of the day and the green tunnel was strong so I ended up watching YouTube as I walked for most of the day. Ended up making it to a campsite a mile before the high point for Oregon and Washington.

Day 44 Mile 791.3 - 813.9

There were just over 20 miles to the campsite before Crater Lake's rim so I was in no rush to get out of camp.

I've been a bit unmotivated for the past few days. The views have been absent and I feel like I'm in a tunnel going no where. Once again, spent a lot of the day on my phone.

There were a few views today. Six miles in the creek looked wonderful below Mt Thielsen and it held some tasty water. There was a curve in the trail that would have made a great photo so I waited for someone to walk by to no avail.


When I made it to the junction where the trail splits to head to the rim there was a man handing out some delicious juicy peaches. I devoured three of the fresh fruit and was in camp shortly after.

Day 45 Mile 813.9 - 832.2

I want to say that I am so thankful that my will was strong enough to force me out of camp before 4:30am. Getting up to the rim for sunrise was special. The band of vivid colors on the horizon as the sun prepared to crest the mountains was serene.

The rim walk was a huge highlight and there being breakfast at the end of it was icing. The hiker omelet I ordered tasted wonderful and because the waitress made a mistake I got extra bacon and some fruit. Too bad the karma has to be balanced out. I felt like vomiting the entire was down to Mazama Village and stayed the night there.

Day 46 Mile 832.2 - 858.2


I almost got out of camp early but the lure of coffee and breakfast were too strong. Around 8 I was on the road walking back to the trail.

A fire scared about ten miles of today’s trail. The sun beats down and it’s a fun 20 miles to water.

Unmotivated. At least the water is just before a big elevation gain.


I didn’t make it as far as I wanted but the plan was to get up early so I cowboy camped in the hope that packing up would be faster.


Good color in the sunset tonight.

Day 47 Mile 858.2 - 889.8

I didn’t notice there were ants at my campsite and they crawled on me all night. At 4am, I was fed up and started walking. Was a bit frustrated at the amount of downed trees in this section but things were better when the sun came up.

I was on track to have my longest day and had completed 21 by noon when I reached the highway with access to Fish Lake. Wanting a soda and burger, I tried to hitch but ended up walking the 4 miles round trip. I was happy that I went in until I got back to the trail and saw that there was a wonderful trail angel giving out what I spent 1.5 hours walking to get. I lost my mind. Super low morale.


Only made it 10 more miles to the South Brown Mountain shelter. The shelter had a broken water pump that requires to people to work now and is surrounded by yellowjackets. I camped a hundred feet from the shelter on flat ground away from the bugs.

XblDay 48 Mile 889.8 - 923

Today was unremarkable. The only thing in my mind was getting to Ashland and having a break. I was zombie walking until 3 when it started to mist. Soon, the mist turned into proper rain and while the forecast had it stopping after two hours it poured all night. This part of the trail is also one of the few section of Oregon that is overgrown so I got a carwash.

Day 49 Mile 923 - 935.4

Because the camp was in a cloud there was so much condensation and everything was wet. I was out of camp soon after 5 and was into the mist. There was so much water in the air that I couldn’t see more than 15 ft with my headlamp on.

I got to Callahan's Lodge just before 10am and had a hiker breakfast that cured a lot of my sadness. Caught up with Willy Wonka before he headed out and then caught a hitch into town.

Picked up my package from the post office with new shorts, went to the hotel, chugged 2 liters of chocolate milk, did laundry, and watched The Office.

Day 50 ZERO

Got the errands out of the way like eating two breakfast burritos at Ruby's and resupplying at Shop N Cart.

Vegetated in bed and stuffed myself with food all day long.

Day 51 ZERO

I really didnt feel like walking.


Ashland to Etna


Cascade Locks to Big Lake Youth Camp